********ARTICLES BY THEME ********




"Look, up in the pulpit!....it's the 'Presence'...no, it's the 'Glory'.....no, it's 'Revival.'....no, it's..." A blockbuster discovery of the modern 150-year visitation of Jesus Christ Himself to the end-time church ahead of His manifest Appearing.  Witness Christ's complete modern prophetic re-enactment of His original tumultuous visit to Israel before the cross. (Warning: We are not on the side of our own "Calvary" that we think we are....)

Will God indeed “save” every living soul out of the Lake of Fire after the Judgment? Is God unjust and unloving if He does not? Is this belief just another fair understanding of the plan of salvation—or a cleverly word-crafted substitute for the true gospel? To what do the apostles and prophets conclusively testify? This end-to-end anatomical prophetic scripture search reveals "all" the truth behind the doctrine of Christian Universalism.

Does the Genesis command to subdue the earth instruct the prophetic church to take over the spheres of human society? Are the cultures of this world to be converted into the kingdom of God? Was the church ordained to function like a Greek legislature?? Companion to Flight from Babylon, Culture Prophecy and The Cultural Engagement Series, this latest thorough treatise defines the conclusive answers to the church's true role amidst the world of human enterprise.

Are you a "western Christian?" Are you "part of" the surrounding society or just "passing through?"Are you settled into the culture with a nice mortgaged home and a predictable 9 to 5 career job? Are you also part of a "church" identified by its equally nice, mortgaged brick-and-mortar building in town? Are you the consummate lover of "God, family and country?" If so, come on a panoramic tour of the ultimate "culture war" of all history, and prepare for what could become the most rude awakening of your life... 

"Why do the most anointed ministers always seem to be the most shallow in character? Why do the saints most dedicated to the inner dealings of God always seem to lack evidence of the supernatural gifts and even reject them?" If you have ever struggled to reconcile the inward and outward ministries of the Holy Spirit in your own life and in the church, this exhaustive tell-all biblical and historical study is for you!

We've heard that this is the "age of faith," yet the record reveals an age of massive unbelief among the "believers!" How can this be, and what would the Lord have us to learn by it? (A helpful primer to The Israel Series)

"I want everything the Holy Spirit has for me today, but do I have to buy into all this garbage? If I reject the garbage, will I cut myself off from the Spirit?" Answers for today's earnest seekers of the Holy Spirit perplexed by the utter tomfoolery dogging His work. A companion sequel to The Transformation and The Anointing

Taking its theme from the famous fairy-tale, this extensive series penetrates the age-long Christian myths regarding the church's identity relative to the nations of the world. Special focus is given to America's role in the Church Age. This is a must-read series for the serious disciple aspiring to co-rulership with Christ over "the beasts of the field" at His return.

Discover in this mind-stretching work what past dispensationally new revelations of the Word of God predict about the next great revelation of Christ to the earth.  (A provocative study for mature eyes only.)

Providing new light on the baptismal regeneration controversy, this penetrating work traces the missing role of water in the atonement from the Old Covenant to the cross. Together with an exciting look into the minds of the first apostles, learn conclusively why water baptism cannot possibly effect our salvation.




Are you a professing believer in Christ who denies that God still speaks today and that He still raises up inspired prophets? Be prepared to be undone by the power of your own belief in the new birth. A must read for all fundamentalist and evangelical scriptural apologists. (See also the article for download Christian Epistemology: Natural or Supernatural? How Do We Know What We Know?)


"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" This series of letters to a Bible School student launches from this proverbial question to prove the prevenient relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Holy Scriptures. (Includes a special sidebar discussion relating creational gender to eternal existence.)

Targeting the misuse of time concepts to disbelieve the prophetic truth of scripture, we unmask human philosophy disguised as interpretation behind four popular biblical teachings: theistic evolution, cessationism, eschatological cessationism (preterism) and universal reconciliation.

Discussing the confusion between mental image and spiritual reality behind our interface with the scriptures; unraveling of the essence of the nature of the "Word of God" as defined and exemplified by scripture.

What does it mean to be "an oracle of God?" What are its limits? What do the Law of Moses, the New Testament writings and today's Spirit-filled prophets have in common? You might be surprised.

The third in a trio of essays detailing the critical discernment between soulish image and spiritual reality encounter with the living Word of God.

Inspired by the "twang" of a hair elastic, teaching on the vibratory nature of God's Word made simple enough for a child to understand!

Lessons from the foremost New Testament apostle in making prophetic application to scripture beyond the intent and context of the first writers, setting us example to do the same. (Really?)

When sitting under anointed revelational teaching or ministry, have you ever felt that gnawing sense that something's not right? Not real? Made up? Tips for recognizing the tell tale signs of false revelational ministry.


Deeper look into revelationism examining the relationship between revelation, revelationism, textualism and the holistic governmental mind of Christ that supersedes all claims to "superior revelation."

For decades the church has hobbled between lawless abusers of the "faith message" for bringing forth luxuries, and holiness invalids who have no faith for anything concrete in this realm. Come discover a fresh challenge to embrace the word of faith ministry within its true governmental parameters of the Father's will!   .

Using the science of nutrition as its backdrop, this article identifies the core "ingredients" found in antichrist teaching and how they enable the parasitic nature of the antichrist to invade the body of Christ.




An explanatory essay discerning the essential distinction between the heart-cutting nature of real Prophecy and the merely informational character of prophetic revelation. Includes special focus on the tiresome issue of "judging." (Companion to Testimony, Condemnation & The Meaning of Salvation.) 

Sequel in thought to At the Point of the Sword. Learn the two key elements that set apart righteous judgment from unrighteous judgment.

Discovery into the Father's strategic necessity of division in the development of proven mature spiritual unity. A counter to unbridled unconditional calls for unity throughout the passionist prophetic church.

A look ahead at issues over which the prophetic church will face internal controversy in the first generation of the new millennium.

Unalterable principles for safely harnessing our exposure to the supernatural realms of spiritual anointing and glory as we approach eternal conversion.

Does your view of God shape your interpretation of the Scriptures, or do the Scriptures shape your view of God? A whole view of God requires unapologetic embrace of His complete self-revelation in Scripture including what we do not want to believe about Him! Learn how selective ownership of divine attributes prejudices our prophecy.

A front and center challenge to all believers to unapologetically submit to and embrace all the scripturally revealed elements of God's nature at odds with our humanist values and sensitivities. 

An exhortation to prophetic disciples to reconcile ourselves to being different from all surrounding culture because God is utterly Different.

How is it possible for God to know everything about men yet have to "find out" things about men?—to know and not know the same thing at the same time? Come along on this exploration into the multi-dimensional eternal mind of Christ! .

An essay comparing and relating the natural, moral and spiritual dimensions of truth, advancing the superiority of spiritual truth to which  natural perceptions and moral dispositions must bow.

An outline of the essential principles necessary for proving the validity of present prophetic revelation against the witness of the founding apostles. Companion to the commentary Re-Laying Foundations and to the essay The Incontestability of Apostolic Testimony from the landmark treatise An Abstract Of Bible Cosmology.

An indictment of the subtle supplanting of the gospel message by modern prophecy with special emphasis on the third element of the gospel missing throughout the church age: cultural severance.

Counsel in discerning the different dimensions of spirit knowledge and how the inner knowing of the Lord Himself creates capacity to perceive the truth behind spiritual utterances.

A deeper penetrating study of the spectrum of factors by which we are to test all purported revelational utterances, teachings and writings..

As more and more reports of out-of-body encounters with heaven and angels proliferate, the need arises for more exacting tools for examining these claims. This discussion helps provide such tools.

Detailing the send-and-return nature of the Voice of the Lord, this article shows the vital role that prophetic testing by hearers plays in establishing the complete Voice of the Lord.

Pointers on weighing conflict among apostolic contemporaries regarding when and how to bring change to the church. Features a new view of unity based in the 24 elders of Revelation.

An encouraging exhortation to prophetic saints to stand firm in their internal Spirit-led behavioral convictions against constant temptation to compromise their standards under charges of legalism.

A discovery of how the believer's own selfless attitude in confronting Father-ordained disciplinary tragedy brings forth the inner healing that proves one qualified for revealed placement as a son of God.   .

Can you tell the difference between "Christian" electronic media and the actual word of God it purports to convey? A must read for those eager to discern genuine prophetic substance from crafted air-brushed, sound-embedded image advertised as prophetic-- especially at election time. (See also the sequel commentaries Not Seeing Is Believing and If Anyone Says To You ...(Don't Believe a Word of It).

Critical exhortation on how to remain in the Spirit of Truth between the pincer operations of false establishment news reporting and pseudo alternative (conspiratorial) beliefs.


Does the volume of the voice dictate who we should follow? See what you think....


An expose of the pitfall of prophetic ministry centered in temporal "event interpreting" with a call to a higher plane of spiritual stability for anchoring the prophetic. Companion to In Need of a Sure Anchor.


Follow up to Standing on a Sea of Glass, this article prophetically speculates on the role of our fellow believers beyond the veil and the "trans-veil" relationship with them yet to come in executing the Lord's final end times purposes.


An attack upon the heresy of "textualist discipleship:" the superficial judging and maintaining of salvation based on the external keeping of the discipleship commands of Jesus and John the Baptist. An imperative read for wilderness pharisees!


With the help of a fairy tale and a Christian movie, discover how faith that is stressed beyond all expectation works to cast satan out of heaven. (Companion to When Your Back Is To The Wall )


A reconciling of the book of Revelation's extreme and massive descriptions of global evil with its stated primary emphasis on the revealing of Jesus Christ in light of the COVID crisis.


This discussion draws from Christ's exercise of faith as an immortal to show how our learning faith now in all its dimensions trains us for the supernatural skill sets we are to acquire as immortals in the next age for liberating the creation..

Answers for frustrated prophetic hearts over the apparent failed fulfilments of confirmed anointed prophecies of dire warning. A must read for anyone who has obediently responded to failed prophetic warnings at great cost. A companion to The Shadow Is My Friend.

Is love counterfeitable? Can it assume a false color? Can it be misapplied? If so, is there really such a thing as unconditional love? The first article from the series Divine Love:  (It's Probably Not What You Think It Is).

If there is "no fear in love" and "perfect love casts out fear," how can God tell us to perpetually fear Him? Find answers here to the perplexing relationship between fear and love toward God.

A look at the dialog of Jesus with a challenge against trying to make the word of God "relevant" to those who speak the language of the world.

Tips on avoiding unfruitful prophetic internet dialogue with respondents marked by instability, hidden motives or jaded attitudes.

Atheism is the undergirding philosophy to many other philosophies such as humanism and post-modernism. Come see how atheism constantly witnesses against itself.

Lessons from the staff of Moses in preparation for directly confronting occult philosophic power driven by luciferian wisdom. Outlines the ancient war of wisdoms and the mandate on prophetic saints to become educated in understanding and countering luciferian wisdom ahead of the church's deliverance from the world commercial system. (Companion to Overcoming Fear By Negative Association.)

Accept this invitation to discover the intensely relational fusionary nature behind the brilliance we refer to as "the glory of God." Pre-cursor to The Holy Quad series relating love, death, authority and glory together.

This intensive study evaluates the intricate interdependent relationship between the four pillar attributes of love, death, authority and glory as presented by Jesus to the disciples. We note the checks and balances between these attributes necessary to growing up into the completeness of what Jesus envisioned for His followers.


As those uniquely appointed to minister the cleansing water of God's spoken Word, discover how true prophets serve to fulfil Jesus' command to wash the feet of the body of Christ.




Examining the prophetic church's two main blindnesses in face of the rise of global virtual technocracy and the decline of British Euro-American hegemony signaling the end of the Times of the Gentiles. .

Is the Great Tribulation a certainty? If so, why intercede over nations, and why are so many persuaded of our authority now? But if not, why does evil only increase and so many are so aware of world conspiracy? Revelation 12 can help resolve these issues.

Derived from Leland Earls' stunning word The First and the Last, this letter to a friend offers a simple presentation of end times reality based in an understanding of God's harvest plan unto glorification.


An in-depth look relating the early nighttime phase of the Day of the Lord to the invisible nature of the Lord's  appearing from within the midst of the ready believer. Find out why sign-watching for the Lord's return does not equate to readiness for His return.

 A simple outline of the polarities and priorities within the key dimensions to God's rulership. Useful for staying on course in any discussion about the kingdom.

Revealing the development of supernatural patience under hellish conditions as the final divine trait necessary to translation readiness. A must read for the languishing prophetic soul under deep vexation over the present evil.

Putting into perspective the developmental and instantaneous natures of the revelation of Christ that finally yields immortality.


A fresh call to re-establish our cosmic view of life and the afterlife on the bedrock presentation of the gospel of Revelation: "Fear God and give Him glory, for the hour of His judgment has come.".


Discover amazing parallels between the reign of David and the epochs of the kingdom of the "Son of David." See what one man's life can tell us about ages still to come!


Can the contrary visions for preservation of society and the destruction of society be reconciled? Find out in this "reflection" on intercessions over a recent U.S. election. (A companion article to Babylon: To Stay Or Not To Stay?.)


Insight into the 500 year pendulum swing between divine sovereignty and personal faith emphasis in the church exposing the present prophetic-intercessory church's inability to properly interpret God's sovereign activity at the international level.


Critical understanding of the three phases of Elijah spirit ministry necessary to bringing about the long sought end time latter rains of spiritual reformation.


Did you realize that worship is our chief means for practically enforcing God's will in the earth? As a "ruler-in-training," get some ideas for how you can do your part!


As homosexuality and righteousness head for showdown in America, a new call is upon the intercessory community to discern the types and seasons of intercession regarding judgment. Surprising insights into the intercessions of Abraham, Moses, Phinehas and the end time church "under fire."


In so many ways American society has appeared to make room for the Kingdom of God, affording the church much freedom to minister the Word of God. But how deep and real is that hospitality? Joshua is motioning he has something to tell us. Let's listen...


You've heard "the beast" is coming. But is it possible the beast is already here, disguised in the robes of a virtuous statue? In this penetrating four-part article, discover the hidden relationship between the gospel, the tare of political liberty, and the emerging beast of Revelation 13.


Intercessors strove night and day to turn back America's clock to the "Day of Reagan." But night fell instead. Prophetic sticks and stones were no match for the "Democratic machine." What went wrong?

"These are the days of Elijah..." It's sure a great song, but "Where's the beef?" Where's the fire from heaven?...raising the dead?...confronting of kings? Just "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" Tune in here to find out.


What are we to think when the more we believe for the coming of the kingdom, the worse society becomes for it? Deeper answers for the questions raised in The Other Side of the Days of Elijah.


Some keys to end time survival from a positive prophetic look at the story of Noah! They could save your life...

Earth's final takeover by the Kingdom of God won't occur without a bang. How can God really protect His faithful people during the coming cataclysms known as the Great Tribulation? (An alternative perspective to Embracing Uncertainty in the Lord: The Key to Spiritual Flight and End Time Deliverance.)


More forward apprehending of the unexpectable power for freedom to be given to the faithful church during the nearing worldwide tyranny. Complement to The Eternal Shift and a primer for The Transition to End Time Mosaic Authority.


A look at the nearing fresh release of the governmental nature of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in direct contest with the New World Order.


From the burning bush encounter to the confrontation with Pharaoh, come see how the return of Moses from the desert prophetically predicts the end-time rise of a new authority and vision for the commercially enslaved church!


Here we discuss the recalibration back to an eternal anchor necessary in God's people ahead of His deliverance movement together with the need for God to release burning bush encounters to His chosen deliverers. (A companion to The Transition to End Time Mosaic Authority.)  .


In this large picture view of present intercessory chaos, we spotlight the quality of endurance required for grasping and coping with God's slow negatively-charged process of deliverance out from the world system. A complement to the article The Exodus Belongs to the Lord. .


Reflections on the lost consciousness of the local church under the ether of "global vision" inside the "Christian bubble."









Consideration of the prophet's unique role in articulating and bearing reproach for the standard of righteousness to which all divine love is calibrated (from the series Divine Love:  (It's Probably Not What You Think It Is).)

If, as John says, walking in the light is supposed to produce fellowship one with another, why is there so little fellowship among so many of us seeking to walk in the light? Let's see what we might find...(from the series Divine Love:  (It's Probably Not What You Think It Is).)

A reconciliation of the destructive attributes of God within His fundamentally loving nature and that of the wilderness prophet. Answers for the tough questions--How can  a loving God destroy? Why must He destroy? How can Love be angry? What difference is there between the angry warring Jehovah of the Old Testament and the god of the modern jihadist? And how and why must destructive anger be demonstrated in and through the church? (from the series Divine Love:  (It's Probably Not What You Think It Is).)

Is there hope for reconciling the pastoral-prophetic divide in the church? In this interchange over a pastor's frustration with the prophetic, learn how the natures of God revealed in each office point the way to resolution.

An exhortation to all believers to recognize our fundamentally ordained purpose to testify to truth and to stand on a platform of firm certitude in delivering the word of the Lord. 

Encouraging but direct pointers for handling prophetic revelation of the sins of others. (Companion to Handling Negative Corrective Revelation). 

Demonstration "straight from the Master" on maintaining a fully-orbed attitude in administering prophetic correction and sin-exposure of churches at large. This article is a must read especially for any ministry billing itself as a "cult watch" ministry. 

Some teach that God only speaks gentle prophetic words today. Others teach that gentle words compromise true prophetic fire and are an evidence of false prophecy. Who is right?

Learn how James' exhortation to tame the tongue applies to the prophetic. (Do you have what it takes to become a prophetic statesman?)

As the power of prophetic revelation increases in our midst, let's examine together two of the most common factors responsible for producing delusional prophets among those to whom it comes!

Is it fair for the Lord to pay the same heavenly wage to those who bear the day's heat of discipleship and to those who do not? See how the parable of the vineyard workers applies to the prophetically faithful.

Sequel to The Fatal Spirit of Comparison, this brief article advocates for the sufficiency of private individual covenant with the Lord as our Head to direct His body to a just and viable  community life without forcing "fairness" based in socialist human perceptions.


Does your prophetic heart increasingly struggle year by year against the dominant spirit of December? Do the time worn justifications for the celebration of Christmas ring increasingly hollow to your ears? Are you interested in an alternative? If so, maybe you should check this out. (For more, see also The Spirit of Christmas and the Prophetic Church).

Discover anew the unseemly side of the Holy Spirit's outstanding work through an impure vessel, and as a bonus, receive what may be your first introduction to a puzzling christianesque political movement poised to shake up the American beast system!

A wilderness parable of self-fulfilling prophetic rejection....








The first of a watershed series of articles challenging the prophetic to mature its eternal vision through shedding its identity rooted in the world's bloodlines.

Penetrating examination of the mandatory circumcision of fleshly identity that must occur for new birth to take root and for the destiny call to holiness to be fulfilled. A must read in order to escape the delusion of culture prophecy.

In the aftermath of 9/11, the call is issued to reorient intercession to kingdom values based in eternal identity. Points are offered for aligning with God's eternal kingdom agenda, specifically challenging the myth of present "national destinies."

As a lifeguard must be in superior position to save the drowning swimmer, so the intercessory church must demonstrate superior identity in Christ to save the drowning race of man. But is the intercessory church saving man, or being drowned in its own self-affirmation of fleshly identities? (Sequel to In Need of a Sure Anchor)

Discover how the overcomers who are to "shatter the nations with a rod of iron" must first have their own national identities shattered.

Featuring the dynamic conflict of faith and natural heritage in the prophetic, this intense article studies the critical issue of identity conversion against the deceptive pull of patriotism. Special attention is given to the role of the Bride in yielding her "maiden names" to take on the Lord's alone.

Does the Revelation 11:15 statement that "the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord" indicate that earth's kingdoms will become transformed into the kingdom of God?  Come discover the relationship between the replaced identity of the reborn believer in Christ and the replacement of earth's kingdoms in "becoming" the kingdom of God.

Penetrating insight into the age-long antichirst strategy to christianize fleshly identity as it bears on the end time church's final capability to enter immortality. (Special emphasis given to the American church's efforts to "re-christianize" America.)

Is the harvest about saving souls? Or about destruction of the wicked? Or is it about the translation? Or could it be about something else? An intriguing look at the harvest dimension of identity separation in context of the American church.

An impassioned follow-up to the intercessory commentary The Day They Rolled the Stone Away: What the Alabama Courthouse Drama Means for Revival calling for clear separated identity from American nationalism in intercession.

An advanced witness to the everlasting bridal covenant of the age to come that seals the manifestation of purified immortalized identity in Christ alone beyond all nationhood!

A compelling look at the power of worship to purify identity in Christ, the corrupting of worship to reassert pride in adamic identity, and the classes of worship that will exist in the millennial kingdom over the issue of national identity change.

An investigation into the subtle ways in which the worship of the Lord is subverted within our midst through diversion of our attention and affection onto the performers, ourselves and our own "worship experience."

Between open idolatry and true worship lies a gray "no man's land" inhabited by cultural idolatry and demons cloaked in the worship of the Lord.  Have you heard demons at worship in your church? Have you perhaps hosted them in your own practices? Come, learn and discern....






A compelling study of the time-bound "storybook" nature of mortal life centering on the ephemerality of the "present tense," teaching us how God has designed this fleeting historic life to properly precipitate, house and grow our conversion to eternal life.    

A look at the heart of the Father and Son's eternal purpose in search of a Bride for the Son with special attention to the roles of the satanic "villain" and the "friend of the bridegroom" in contest over that purpose.   

Presenting a contrarian view based in the fear of God, this offensive series challenges the popular amorphous concept of divine love now commonly referred to as "unconditional love."


      Three action packed articles taking you to time before time to comprehend the divine attribute of government and the plan for its exercise in the earth. Special attention given to relating the roles of the priesthood and the kingship. You don't want to miss this!


      A study of the core kingdom essence of divine justice through relationship, covering the price of failed prophetic relationship, the attack against divine relational justice in the church, the transcending eldership to be revealed out of today's relational chaos, and much more!

Prepare to re-orient your intercessional values as we reach beyond our prayerful desire for good in politics and culture to embrace the Father's perfect will beyond society as we know it. A primer to the expansive treatise True Dominion: A Critique of "Seven Mountains" Teaching & "Mandatism" Philosophy

This intensive series in progress examines the consummate age-ending struggle between the Lord of Hosts and the satanic beast system over the naming rights of the earth's peoples. In course of unveiling this struggle, we discover the true commercial corporational nature of the NAME, the number and the mark of the beast that is already in effect in all industrialized nations and has been in development since the time of Rome.

Presenting the stark wilderness prophetic response to the events of 9/11, including a hard look at the core concepts dividing the wilderness and passionist prophetic perspectives.

This compelling set of three articles looks at some of the hidden tests of heart God performs when He manifests His Presence among us.

Dedicated to restoring wounded, isolated wilderness prophetics, this series peers deeply into the what, why and how of the wilderness experience; including the limitations of the wilderness perspective of the church, pitfalls of wilderness attitudes and hindrances to completed destiny in the full nature of Christ.

This exciting initial 10-part series on the Book of Revelation opens up the meaning of "soon" regarding the Lord's promised return across the time continuum. It reveals Revelation's immediacy to every generation in the relay race of time as it has been unfolding since first received from John's hand almost 2000 years ago. More to follow as the Lord enables....!     .

This running collection of prophetic commentaries, essays and Readers Circle dialog tracks our approach to understanding  the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests with the rise and fall of Donald Trump as U.S. president.     .

Share with the Readers Circle as together we walk through the intense ups and downs of the 2008 Lakeland Revival, learning the lessons of deep spiritual listening enabling us to avoid the two-edged sword that cut down both gullible receivers and cynical discerners of this and future frustratingly "impure moves" of the Holy Spirit. ( A companion study to Lessons from the Wilderness )


Three snapshots of prophetic understanding that will help give you the spiritual mental edge over the emerging world tyranny system






Piercing the smoke surrounding this fire, we delve into the core dynamics between ministerial idolatry, sexual temptation and prophetic delusion that explain the Bickle-IHOP scandal in terms of God's testing our fitness for glory while proving the supremacy of His justice.

A look at how uncrucified love (esteem) of this present world's cultures corrupts the spirit of prophecy .

An extensive study of culture prophecy with real examples from recent proclamations in respected prophetic ministries.

God once told a prophet he would not believe God would raise up a "new world order" against his people. So He tells us again today. A lesson in how prophetic denial of divine judgment cloaked in popular intercession for mercy preempts mercy and assures continuation of judgment. Explanation of the prophetic outlook divide separating eternal prophetic visionaries from culture prophets.

A concise explanation of the prophetic outlook divide separating eternal prophetic visionaries from culture prophets.

A fitting sequel to BETTER OR DIFFERENT: the Coming Showdown Between Clashing Prophetic Worldviews.

A prophetic key to discerning Christ from Antichrist within the end time moves of God.

You know about the evil of legalism and Pharisaism. But have you recognized its wily opposite? This major article examines the relationship between lawlessness and the one-sided promotion of God's passion for mankind.

Further insights into the corruptibility of the anointing in support of spiritual harlotry. A companion to the treatise The Holy Spirit in the Church of Laodicea.

Did you ever wonder why no one could detect Judas until it was too late? Learn how not to be fooled by subverted anointing.

A classic example of humanistic love from an "amorphous" passionist mission statement....

Without prayer into the imperatives of gospel heart transformation and repentance for structural sin at the base of society, see what becomes of most travelling intercession ministry....

A look at how emotional ownership of spiritual burden for a nation blinds the prophetic to the heart of the matter in recognizing the powers behind the powers that be.

A penetrating study into the multi-layered mystery of false signs and wonders in context of the "wondrous" American presidential election of 2016.

An intensive exhortation and warning to maintain earthly prophetic subjection to the inward eternal objective of immortality.








We have heard of justification by faith. We have heard of sanctification by the Spirit. But is there yet another salvation to be obtained before the redemption of our bodies? Learn how the great end time clash with the global commercial system is ultimately designed to save us from the "root of all evil."

You think you should save what little money you have left, but another Voice says you should invest it. You think you should invest the money, but another Voice says you should spend it now, caring not for tomorrow. You think you should spend the money now, but another Voice says you should give it all away! "Will God's true will for your stewardship please stand up!" -- Answers for God's stewards under economic duress. 

If love for God should be increasing and love for money is diametrically opposed to that love, does this tell us anything about our relationship to money? Does God want us to embrace poverty or to believe for prosperity? Deeper insights on age old controversy.

Learn how the end time demise of satan's world financial domain is traced back to a heavenly trade war before earth's fall!   Still deeper insights into the ancient curse on mankind over the quest for world economic control.

It's one thing to want to be free. But do you know what freedom costs? Two millenniums of growing spiritual freedom is leading the church to the verge of an unparalleled exodus out from bondage to the systems of this world. But it will not be a cake walk! If you want to be part of the exodus, see what will be required of you.

Conflicting voices of God simultaneously urge us to seek the welfare of the surrounding society while telling us to proclaim its judgment and flee it! See what Daniel's tenure in Babylon can teach us about how to manage this conflict. (A companion article to Election Reflection.)|

A critique of the popular culture prophetic motif, this article details the destructive, not restorative, nature of overcoming the systems of this world, beginning with the necessary departure of the heart first from "Egypt". (Companion  to Kingdom (Be)come: Makeover or Replacement?)     .

A "wake up alarm" to the true master agenda behind social security, universal health care, and the insurance industrythis intimate but potent article reveals how properly facing the uncertainties of personal faith will ultimately enable our escape during the nearing worldwide Security-Tyranny known as the Great Tribulation. (An alternative perspective to The Eternal Shift.)

You've heard about the campaign to "clean up the airwaves." How would you like to participate in cleaning up the real air waves? You may already be doing so and not know it. Come find out.

Illumination on how prayer for government leaders can establish an angelic garrison of protection in the face of the encroaching New World Order!

Has the Lord left the Church defenseless before the emerging world tyranny system soon to be unveiled? Discover the church's own secret weapon to be revealed! ( From the series Three End Time Vignettes)

Can the wealth of the wicked be transferred to the righteous as long as the righteous remain captive to the debt money system that runs the world? Are we rich if the currency we hold is privately created and owned by a world system? Uncover the misperceptions pertaining to the wealth transfer and what must happen for the true transfer to occur.







Itemizing the key truths with scripture documentation that define the real dynamics of human salvation through Jesus Christ. Includes the rarely identified elements of the "light of accountability" and the Father's hidden preparatory work leading to conversion as well as the conditional and unconditional elements in maintaining salvation after conversion.

If any series in this teaching ministry had to be assigned ultimate priority above all others, it would be this one.....

A complete digest of the process of salvation from spiritual new birth to glorified harvest in immortality. Excerpted from The Transformation and the Anointing: Reconciling God's Two Great Works of Salvation in the Earth Today.


Most believers live unaware that their souls have yet to be saved. Could you be one of them? Find out how Christ's blood operates past forgiveness to produce experiential righteousness and what happens if we fail the soul-saving call to "Blood transfusion" through living sacrifice. Also includes a detailed study version with scripture footnotes and commentary.

This intense prophetic study examines the operation of soul salvation as portrayed in the heavenly reality of white garments throughout the Book of Revelation. Wedding Paul's exposition on righteousness to the effects of soul and bodily dress beyond the veil, we cover the meanings of soiled soul garments, naked spirits, immortal robing, the fabric cleansing agency of the blood of Christ and the purpose of the Great Tribulation to this end. Includes a compendium of Brother Earls' teachings on this subject.

A discovery into how the troubling issue of selective delimited salvation is traced to the sovereignly separational nature of God's holiness.

Here we get a vista of the prehistoric yearning God intended to satisfy by bringing forth equally satisfied redeemed creational children, providing our best motive for wanting to satisfy God, and dispelling the idea that God's satisfaction is fulfilled by our deprivation!

Letters to a local pastor on the requirement of desperate asking, knocking and searching necessary to receive the true, full baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Vital discussion of condemnation as the self-defensive reaction to the presentation of objective truth. Learn how the retaliatory charge of "condemnation" is the self-conviction  that condemns. A must read for every prophet stymied by the false accusation of "condemning" and "judging" others in the course of Spirit-inspired exposure of sin! (Companion to At the Point of the Sword and Judge Righteous Judgment.)


A look at salvation's processal nature with the preparations required at each stage of process, focusing on final glorification. Special challenge is made against assumptive belief in automatically guaranteed translation ("rapture") with consideration of how the Great Tribulation will cure such assumptivness.


This brief study explores and relates the differing salvational fires of internal soul cleansing by the Spirit (obtained through suffering) and that of soul testing to be executed by Christ's piercing vision at His appearing, all in view of being made compatible to the Father's essence as consuming fire.


A potent conversation of the three stages of harvest / translation / rapture following our commentary on Bro. Earls' groundbreaking article The First and the Last, including vital discussion on the complete spectrum of initial salvation that solves the question "Can I lose my salvation?"

Sequel to Testimony, Condemnation & the Meaning of Salvation, this essay exposes the false definitional shift that has occurred to the meaning of the "good" news in modern preaching, and seeks to return it to its true orientation in reference to the blessing of salvation from sin and its penalty.


The question oft arises, “What happens to the believer who fails to immediately overcome particular areas of sin and has gone on to commit further sins?” This article is derived from counsel we offered to a distraught believer over this question. It offers a foundational grid for anyone struggling with sin who wants to evaluate their true state of salvation before God, no matter what the sin.


What is your greatest fear? There awaits your greatest salvation. Discover how faith and love act together to work out soul salvation by exposing and expelling fear from the soul.


We have heard of justification by faith. We have heard of sanctification by the Spirit. But is there yet another salvation to be obtained before the redemption of our bodies? Learn how the great end time clash with the global commercial system is ultimately designed to save us from the "root of all evil."


A look at the bi-directional circuitry of grace, relating the dimension of God's free impartation to that of His return expectation--with special focus on the limits of free impartation. (Could it be grace is not as entirely "unconditional" as we have been taught?)

Parallel to Drawing the Grace Line, this brief essay draws on the relationship between "conception" and "birth" to shed light on the thorny controversies over the nature of faith relative to works. Touching on hot button issues from "loss of salvation" to "Lordship salvation," see how a small candle can dispel some massive darkness.

Examining the essentially relational nature of righteousness, this essay dispels the false separation in the religious mind between divine relationship and righteousness that forms the basis for legalism. 

A look into the two dimensions of salvation relative to death: salvation that prevents death and salvation that issues forth out of death. This thoughtful piece helps us negotiate the painful mental shift from death prevention to death pass-through when the Lord requires the latter.

Understanding the indispensably personal and subjective element of faith in salvation. 

"Lord, set us free from our idolatry of your freedom that  You may set us free indeed from our bondage."

Do you see faith as a cause producing an effect, a contract for performance, or a commodity for buying God's fulfilments of His promises? Take this penetrating look into how unilateral covenant beautifully resolves the conflicting confusion over works and faith in our salvation, the relationship of faith to authority and the preparatory role faith plays ahead of what God will do to fulfil His words to us.




The prophetic church has taken deep political sides in the Mideast controversy. But has the Lord? Find out how we should really be praying for Israel in this detailed revisit of the New Covenant.

Though called the "age of faith," the gospel age of the Gentiles has left a sordid trail of unbelief echoing the massive unbelief of Old Covenant Israel. How can this be? This treatise examines the root of unbelief which still daunts both Gentile and Messianic "believers" alike, and provides the true meaning of "the one new man." (a helpful introduction to the major treatises on Israel that follow.)

Inspired by Messianic challenges to Palestine Belongs to the Meek, this first of two massive studies unravels the mysterious relationship between natural and spiritual Israel and the covenants. Includes ground-breaking insight into the true meaning of modern Israel's re-establishment, reconciliation of the restoration prophecies to apostolic teaching, and a prophetic description of the millennial legal system to come under Yeshua's reign. FOR MATURE STUDENTS ONLY. Agreement to Proviso required.

Specially directed to messianic-leaning prophetic intercessors, this exactingly researched sequel to A Transcendent Presentation of Israel begins with a "you-were-there" narrative of the historic Messianic/Gentile church divide, then moves to explore the inherent flaws of the Messianic views of Yeshua, apostolic teaching and the state of Israel. It provides solid, even-tempered answers to the most common Messianic offenses over unshackeled New Covenant faith, and aims to correct carnal platforms of intercession for Israel. No stone left unturned and no topic too hot to handle. FOR MATURE STUDENTS ONLY. Agreement to Proviso required.

A brief treatise connecting the expected conversion of Israel to Christ to the Next Revelation of Christ as espoused throughout this ministry.  Piercing the deeper nature of the "hardening" of Israel referenced in Romans 11, this fascinating understanding explains the foretold "fullness of the Gentiles" not merely as a completed number of converts, but as the completion of a dispensation in how the Gospel appears, and why.

We review how Jesus' response to Roman atrocity offers us the only sure anchor for our emotions in subjection to God's indwelling kingdom when faced with horrific news coming out of Israel..


Revelation on the typical nature of creation, mankind and especially of Israel as passing shadows in the staging of the heavenly Father's pre-creational yearning to, through Christ, further reproduce Himself in an adoptive eternal seed. This study effectively replaces creation, mankind and adamic Israel to make Christ alone the centerpiece of all purpose behind the  drama of the cosmos.       .






Amidst the competitive cacophony that characterizes the prophetic movement, is the real voice of God to be found elsewhere? Come and see.

It takes a certain kind of ear to hear the hidden voice of the Lord. Discover how you can hear the Lord under the din of the prophetic marketplace.

Even in the prophetic, silence is golden. An exhortation to quietness as the key to remaining undistracted from the Lord by the power of one's own revelation.

A whisper of the Spirit to the faithful heart beset by the memory of traumatized faith.

A word to the weary in the struggle against the knowledge of evil, against limitation, and in the wait for His promise…

A poetic meditation highlighting the contrasts of loving fear and cowering fear. Primer to the study The Fear That Cleanses and the Fear That Cowers.

Even the moments of pain in each day's waiting on God's fulfilments are His gift to us, if we have the eyes to see them for what they are...

A rest-filled call to momentarily escape our present earthside drama by ascending to behold the "Throne's-eye view" of the never ending 24/7 stream of new inductees into the Father's Living Presence.

Personal reflections on the Father's long sanctifying process that must precede the fulfilment of His revealed plans for our calling.

Here we gain an appreciation of how all personal destiny ultimately recapitulates in Christ's promise to present us to the Father!  .

A discovery into how the Father's indwelling of the believer is His own operative force for the expressing of His kingdom will in fulfilment of the Lord's Prayer.      .

Thoughts on the inner balance beam between under-believing God within our measure and over-believing Him beyond our measure.

Some prophetic principles on entering into the Lord's miraculous work in our lives.

What happens if and when the callings and desires we exercise come to an end? What happens when the ministry collapses? Where is the King, and where really is the kingdom? ..... (Companion to The Silent Test of First Love.)

Momentary hearing for instantaneous directions into unfamiliar instructions without warning over an extended period of time....these are the conditions attending God's liberation into any true "new thing." A critical read for understanding destiny beset by sudden chaos in our times.

Learn how discerning the need for prayer from the call to prayer will immeasurably help us to prevent burn out. A special word for intercessors..... (See also the prequel Dealing with Prophetic Intercessory Information Overload)

The coming judgment has always been portrayed in terms of external events. This essay reveals the hidden judgment that has already come.




    Presenting new realism on our weakening before Covid's tyranny necessary to finding our next portal into Christ that yields His victorious power over the present world crisis.    .  .


    A meditation leading us to complete rest out of the vulnerability we feel when giving up control of life to believe and obey God.


    How recognizing the different positions and sizes of "open doors" can alleviate frustration with God.

Appreciate with the writer how in times of instability, the "vision for the shore" must be surrendered to the vision only for the Lord.

Five principles that preserve faith under the tensions of the immediate stress it encounters.

When the co-existent darkness of this life bears down on us, it is not enough to believe in the light, we must behave as the light.

Discover how cosmic warfare, priorities in divine promises and generational shift  impact the meaning of answered prayer.

"The eventual provision or healing or restoration are never and never were in doubt… What is always in doubt is whether we will enter into His rest out of the torturing paralysis of the inner fears and mental anxieties that stalk us in the face of our wait…"

A lesson from the volatile financial investment world teaches us the first principle to winning the war of faith, especially when tempted to think we are losing.....

Does faith always demand that we believe and expect God to act beyond our capabilities and provision? Is faith for the miraculous the supreme faith? Do you feel like you are laboring under a certain tyranny of expectation for the miraculous? These few words might help.

A word for those struggling with the consciousness of lack of money. Find out what the most precious economic commodity of all time is.

One of the highest levels of faith is the faith required of leadership that puts the lives of multitudes of spiritual followers at risk. Do you think you are up to that challenge?

This short but poignant missive takes on the tough questions in the face of unrewarded faith, establishing above all the righteousness of faithfulness over "rightfulness" of understanding.

An exposé of the oscillating pattern in the balance between trust and action that the Lord uses in desperate situations to bring us forward in glory!

A lesson in strategic blindness from the Emmaus Road.

Observe how the "near misses" of eternal moments bringing us to our next life chapter seem more threatening under time than they really are.

What to do when the Spirit and Conscience seem to oppose one another

You've heard it said "Jehovah Jireh is my provider," but did you know that this kind of provision has nothing to do with daily needs?

A word of hope in coming to grips with the unavoidable flaws built into the Spirit's foundational work in our lives en route to greater building.

A look at the tribulational cost factor involved in finding the place of the Lord's rest in life.

Simple keys to securing and maintaining strong faith in the face of serious life-impacting situations. (Companion to  Cultivating "Celestial Faith" Under Crisis )

How does one overcome the sense of meaninglessness that has come to define the spirit of this age---beginning with one's own repeated failures in apprehending God's fruitful destiny?







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